20 August 2007


Didn't get to hike today. We hit the highway.

It was go to town day. The little town we live near doesn't have much in the way of stores. The nearest place for us to shop is 75 miles away in Kalispell. We get our grub in Whitefish.

When we moved to Montana, five years ago from Colorado, even Kalispell was a cow town. Now they have everything Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowe's, Borders etc. Heaven sakes there is even a Starbucks! To my very certain knowledge mom has never had one of those. She's kind of on the thrifty side and thinks spending that much for a cup of coffee is "plain nutz". The Costco is the biggest in Montana. None of it existed five years ago. Seems like the word musta got out that the best lookin' guy in the country (Uh, that would be me!) had moved to northwest Montana so everyone else decided to follow.

The best part was when we went to Petco. You know, where the pets go?! I love going in that store. The smells are to die for. I pulled mom around like a rag doll on the end of a lightening rod while I sniffed everything in sight. Mom says I act like a berserk bloodhound. I admit it. I go a little crazy in there. At one point I totally forgot myself and jumped on the parakeet cage. I couldn't help it. That cage was jam, crammed with tiny morsels! I nearly got a whoopin for that one.

Shopping trips are pretty much all day outings so that's my report. Except that the sky was cloudy all day and the wind blew all the smoke away so the weather is pretty darned nice, in the 60's. Fall is coming. Canada is coming. Life is good!

Until next time......

©Kinsey Barnard

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