Well, we finally had to throw in the towel and stay home. I took not one photograph. This is painful. Almost never does a day go by that I am not photographing. Another first. We went to Mt. Lemmon Sunday and after 45 minutes Koty stopped turned around and headed back down the trail. Normally, he can't get enough trail time.
So, I spent some time going through photos from last year's coastal shoot. Gads what I wouldn't give for some clouds and rain! This photograph did for me what I hope they each do for you. Take you away for a moment, away from whatever curve ball life may be throwing you or give just a quiet reflective moment in which to be grateful for all that you do have.
This photograph was taken at Keogh Beach, Pt. Reyes National Seashore in Northern California.
©Kinsey Barnard Photography
PS: Christmas is coming so here is a gift idea under $20. Choose five note cards and tie them with a little satin ribbon. Your gift will be unique and personal.
Spectacular beauty and spectacular contrast! So much moisture in motion. And I loved your "The Lady Takes A Bath". I love looking through your eyes. It has me stopping to marvel at nature every day through your photos.
That is just wonderful to hear. It is precisely what I am hoping to accomplish with my photography.
I have come to know that I have a gift that allows me to sometimes see what others might miss and to share it with viewers.
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