Well my goodness just when we thought it couldn’t get any more beautiful we found ourselves at Zion Canyon in Zion National Park, Utah. It’s absolutely amazing in it’s beauty and to think all this was created by wind and water over millions of years. Honestly, it is simply breathtaking. The above photo was a lucky moment when the clouds started coming alive in front of my eyes creating whispey fingers caressing the red rock dome. Minutes later there was just plain blue sky.
Sometimes I get so fascinated by what I am observing I nearly forget to take a photograph. This was one such time. I was just standing there, mesmerized, trying to absorb the incredible natural beauty. Without my realizing it clouds appeared and created an awesome dynamic. Thank goodness I came out of my trance!

As frequently bemoaned National Parks do not allow dogs on the trails. In Zion Canyon there is one asphalt trail that goes for bout two miles along the Virgin River. It is the Virgin River that provides the lifeblood to this arid area. Actually, this trail provides many beautiful photo opportunities and regardless of you hiking skills I recommend you take it just for the beauty. In this photo you can see one of the many bridges that crisscross the Virgin along the way.

The last section of the road up Zion Canyon is called the Zion Scenic Drive. One of the really great things about visiting the park at this time of year is you can drive this section yourself. During the high season you have to take a shuttle. This would really cramp a picture takers’ style. Not to mention Koty would get left behind. Anyway, the purpose of this photo is to show you the beautiful road, literally, they must use some aggregate from the red rocks to make the asphalt because the road is as red as the monoliths. The effect is really special.

One of the major stops along the scenic drive is the Court of the Patriarchs. What can I say? A picture is worth a thousand words?
Needless to say we had a great day at it was a great day at Zion Canyon.
Check out our Winter Photo Shoot Gallery for large, high resolution images of these images and all our trip thus far.
Ciao for now,
Koty & Kinsey
©Kinsey Barnard
I'm impressed with how nature seems to wake up and pose for you. "Here comes Kinsey Barnard! I think I'll grab her attention with this beautiful display of cloud around my dome!"
We share similar bios, except we don't don't travel from a ranch in MT, rather from our home. However, we do travel to national parks 6-10 months a yr., gathering material & photos for stories. Zion is one of our favorites and I'm going to follow along for awhile hoping to learn how you get those vivid yellows in one of your landscapes. Sadly our husky-type dog was run over. Great blog.
Stunning as usual... My travel season is pretty much over... With storms and snow in the forcast - This journey is a pleasure to follow!
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