We've been working mighty hard the past couple of weeks so we decided to take it easy. We went back to the Pa'rus Trail in Zion Cayon for a good morning walk. I think if one walked this trail everyday they would never tire of it.

The Virgin River, which is the river that runs through this section of the park, was looking particularly beautiful. It was fuller and clearer than it was when we walked it earlier. I cannot begin to tell you what a great time of year this is to visit this park. I'm half tempted to come back and spend the whole winter some day. The park is open year round and I'll bet after a snow storm there is a whole other kind of beauty to be found.

The Pa'rus trail may be a little tame and we certainly don't care for asphalt trails but you must admit this is a beautiful trail and it really provides a lot of people with a lot of pleasure they might not otherwise experience. If we did come back here for an extended stay I'd probably have to abandon Koty a time or two and try some of the people only trails. There are numerous day care facilities in the area. He would probably disown me but, oh well.

Some people have been wondering how I get the vibrant colors. Well, truth is I don't do much of anything special. The colors here are just that vibrant! This park is a color lovers' fantasy island! In point of fact, with some of the photos I have actually had to try and drain a little color.

After lunch and a siesta we decided to take another walk. We first tried Sand Hollow State Park but they wanted $10.00 dollars to get in. We passed on that. We ended up walking the asphalt trails in Coral Canyon which is basically just a big housing development. I took the above picture because I wanted to show you how steep the trail was and it's for bikes too! Gads, I couldn't imagine riding a bike down that thing. If your brakes failed or you squeezed too hard it wouldn't be pretty!

I must say the landscaping around here is exceptionally beautiful. The above is some type of grass that is used a lot and I find it really lovely. Not that this photo does it any kind of justice but you can at least get the idea.
That's all we did, a couple of walks and a lot of relaxing.
You can see all of our trip so far in high resolution at TRIP GALLERY.
Ciao for now,
Koty & Kinsey
©Kinsey Barnard
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