16 February 2011


Mother Nature finally made up her mind and decided to go with snow. We got about and inch and a half over night, enough to shovel and plow. The temperature is mild at 38 so I don't reckon this will stay with us for long.

The pre-dawn landscape was just gorgeous. I guess it was the snow that gave it the blue glow. Whatever it was so pretty. This was taken at a very slow speed, 1/2 of a second.

Plowing was a bit of a challenge. The ground is a little bit soft and I managed to gouge a huge divit out of my driveway. I think there's something not right with that plow. It flops around like a landed fish. Need to get someone to take a look at it before I take it off. Hope to heck I remember. I get so anxious to get the damned thing off I'll probably forget ..... again!

My pal Mona came to call and we had a great time catching up and brainstorming. I need to decide what pieces I am going to show at the Bigfork Museum in May. I have just an awful time choosing.

Koty is really bent out of shape now. Whilst Mona and I were visiting he drug out his toys, tore open some tummies and scattered stuffing all around the house in a valiant effort to get some attention, all to no avail. I WILL take him for a good long hike tomorrow come hell or high water!

©Kinsey Barnard


canvas artwork online said...

looks like the photo has a blue tint to it,,, different

Walker said...

That is the "blue glow" I referred to. The image is exactly as it came out for the camera.