The first order of business: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAKOTA SUNRISE! Today is Koty's tenth birthday. It's hard to believe I have been blessed with the company of this incredible creature for ten years. He is such a joy and inspiration.
People are constantly coming up to Koty to admire his beauty and ask how old he is. For the longest time I told them the truth and they seemed disappointed. Now I tell them he is four and their eyes light up and they say "That's what I thought!". Koty, he is My Best Friend
We said our farewells to the folks at Yellowstone Country and headed out.
For pity sakes! you would have thought it was January 1st as opposed to October first from the looks of things.
Heading west on I-90 these were some of the scenes that paved our way.
It was hard to imagine that it was only October. These ranches looked like Christmas cards.
We had to make a stop in Bozeman to pick up a new air filter. We were to to go to Billion Dodge/Jeep to get it. Here we had another perfectly lovely experience. The parts guy who sold me the filter also came out and got himself dirty putting it in. The filter in these Sprinters is not easy to get at.
When we left Billion I missed my turn to get back to the freeway and ended up down a country road. All was not lost as I got a chance to see this pretty red barn. I love red barns and old barns!
Back on the road we headed for Missoula, only a couple of hundred miles but I decided it was as far as I wanted to go. It would also put me in a good place to get to the National Bison Range in the morning.
We stopped at Jim & Mary's RV Park and passed a very quiet and pleasant evening. I took Koty for a birthday walk and we called it a day.
©Kinsey Barnard
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