So, I will go back in time to the day we went to the Navajo Tribal Park in Monument Valley.
There is really only one place to stay with an RV near the park, that's Gouldings. There has been only one lodge, also Gouldings. But, the Navajo have built a brand new lodge over looking the park. The views are nothing less than stunning. And, not surprisingly the place is called "The View". It didn't look like it was open yet to me but a check of the Internet said the grand opening was 02-2008. I find this hard to believe.
There are all kinds of jitney and jeep tours that you can take into the valley and if you are particularly fond of your car I recommend that you take one. Unfortunately for poor little Shadow I can't take a tour to do my photography.
It took a little exploring to even find the road that goes into the park. Once found, the first half mile down into the canyon is, well, a vertical goat track. Down at the bottom I stopped to ask a fellow selling jewelry if the road was like that all around the loop. Thank gawd he said that was the worst of it. Already I was dreading climbing back out. But, totally trusting we went on our way into the valley. You'll want to allow about three hours for this ride because you'll go at a snail's pace and there is a lot to take in. We were lucky because we went early and there were not too many cars on the trail. A person could choke on the red dust so first thing in the morning.
The tribal park has been the site of many westerns with John Wayne and John Ford. And, the Navajo are quite proud of this heritage.
About half way around is where you will find the Three Sisters and horse for rent. So if you are inclined to take a horseback ride this is the place.
It took us nearly all day as I had to stop every five seconds to try for an image. If ever there was a place full of eye candy this is certainly one.
And, if you are a lover of color as am I this place will totally consume you. What is ironic to me is that a place so harsh to live in can at the same time be so incredibly beautiful. In fact without the harsh climate conditions this wonder would probably not exist at all.
There is much to see in Monument Valley but the Tribal Park is special. They have corralled some of the very best scenery in the valley. But, don't miss the roads all over the reservation you'll find some real treasures and you won't have to deal with the crowds. Most reservations I have been on are somewhat restrictive as to where you can go but this one seems very open and if you have the adventurer spirit you could spend weeks here and see something new and beautiful everyday.
©Kinsey Barnard
These photographs are stunning Susan! I can't believe all the color variations and also the clarity of the colors. One question - did you do the tour on horseback? Did Koty ride a horse too?
Nice Photos Kinsey! Truly a Monument Park, each piller of red rock just takes you away...I can't imagine what some of these look like behind a full moon and a starry night, I bet they would be truly mystic. Also the vastness of it all, a really neat place. Thanks so much Kinsey for the posting.
the photos! nothing else to be expected from you :)
i'm sure you lawn is delicious. that's why something's eating it!
swell idea to share the photos now that you're home. i again imagine you with hundreds [thousands?] of photos to sort through, now that you're home.
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