13 March 2015


Golly, where does the time go? It's been two weeks!

Not really my fault. Our usual mid January thaw started on schedule. We were waiting for winter to return but it never did. Now Kinsey is in spring mode which involves all kinds of activity. There is so much to do and none of it particularly interesting. Not fun to me any way. It's mostly maintenance stuff. Shadow had a dead battery. Turned out the battery had gone kaput. Not bad considering it was the original battery. Took half a day to get it replaced. Mr. Toad, the 6 x 6 needs servicing. The lawn tractor needs servicing. Clementine will have to have a trial run to see if anything has run amok over the winter. And, on and on. Boring!

Kinsey is also plotting our annual spring junket. Over the winter she read a biography of Red Cloud, a warrior chief of the Oglala Sioux. She now has it firmly implanted in her brain that she must explore "The Heart of Everything That Is". She's pouring over maps and marking spots from the book she wants to see. For some strange reason Red Cloud has really fired her up. Understanding Native American history and culture is a real passion of hers. I'm just as glad because it means more travel fun for me. You may recall we went to visit Chief Mountain last spring.

Meanwhile, I just make do. Below I am helping change the sheets.

As soon as I get to do something interesting I'll let you know.

Ciao for now!

Molly Montana

©Kinsey Barnard

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