27 October 2011

A Walk Along the Tobacco River

Yesterday I had to run errands in town. Where I live there is little in the way of services so I must take my trash to the dump and go to the post office to pick up my mail. Both of those two were on my "to do" list. I always try and work in some kind of a walk when I'm down in the valley just for a change of scenery. Also, at this time of year hunting season is open and it can be a little dicey wandering around in the woods where I live .

Taking the path toward Pigeon Bridge along the Tobacco River is always a favorite. I never fail to see something that makes me so grateful to live here. Fall was late in coming this year but once it got started it came on fast and now the color is nearly gone, the trees shedding their golden leaves at a prodigious rate.

At one point on the path the trail is bounded on both sides by great towering Cottonwood trees. As we walked along a breeze would kick up and there would be a crinkling sound like someone balling up cellophane and golden confetti would rain down on us. The path was carpeted with fallen leaves. I don't know what it was about those leaves but scuffling along through them I felt like a kid. I could hear my mother calling "Pick up your feet!". Funny how such simple things can conjure up so many memories that bring a smile to one's face. I thought to myself "Not listening Mama".

The sun was tring to put in an appearnace but it was a pretty weak effort. Still it was better than the past few days which have been just dreary. Earlier in the week I had three inches of snow. It didn't stick very long but for a few hours it looked very much like winter.

Below are some of the things I saw on this walk. All of the photos were taken with a Panasonic Lumix point and shoot.

Path of Gold

Koty enjoying the autumn leaves

Larch or Tamarack. The thing about Larch is that they are a needle tree that loses its needles in the Fall. In the Fall they make a beautiful patchwork in the evergreen forest of spruce and fir. Many newcomers to the area cut down their beautiful larch thinking that they are dead.

Another great great thing about this trail is that you always seem to run into someone but it's seldom a two legged. This is a blacktail buck with his harem. It's that time of year.

A pair of bald eagles sitting in a Cottonwood tree along the Tobacco River.

I thought this was such a pretty little mushroom. I have absolutely no idea what label has been given to it but mine is Petticoat Mushroom

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©Kinsey Barnard

1 comment:

Khumbu and Hu'mum said...

wooo What a fabulous time of year. Koty even seems to be glowing gold. Beautiful pictures. A truly beautiful place you live in.