15 January 2008


We took a drive back over to Tomales Bay and then Valley Ford Road up to Bodega Bay. That section of road is very beautiful. Along the eastern shore of Tomales Bay we saw the coolest Brown Pelicans and mom was able to get some photos of them. Tomales Bay itself is pretty cool.

The countryside is very bucolic. Rolling hills with cattle and sheep dotting them. It's easy to see why California cows are happy cows. Me I love the cold but you should see the poor cows in Montana in the winter. When temperatures goes subzero they have icicles hanging from their noses and mouths. I don't know how they stand it. They don't have comfy coats like mine.

We continued on up the Coast to Bodega Bay. It's a colorful little village and mom says she'd like to come back here and stay sometime. They have a couple of really nice RV parks that we saw.

Just outside of Bodega Bay we stopped to look at the coast at Arched Rock. Boy the ocean was really kicking up. Pretty soon we noticed a Coast Guard helicopter and two Coast Guard boats hanging around the area. They looked like they were searching and I'm pretty sure they were cuz a little farther up the road at Portuguese Beach there were a bunch of sheriffs cars. I doubt there was much chance of anyone getting rescue. The surf was relentless.

We nearly made it to Jenner but missed it by a hair. Mom doesn't like to drive in the dark much so we turned back. Maybe another day.

Oh, that last photo is of some Mute Swans we found over at The Rush Creek Open Space place.

Until next time ....

© Kinsey Barnard

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